
Monday, December 22, 2008


Nota untuk pembaca: Post kali ini merupakan hasil tulisan Cik Ayu Amiza. Hayatilah hakikat pemimpin dunia zaman sekarang..

Bila kau mula diberi mandat oleh Sultan Aleppo, Al-Malik Nuruddin untuk memerintah Mesir yang pada ketika itu di bawah kerajaan Syiah yang tidak bernaung di bawah khalifah, kau rasa sukar dan berat. Seolah-olah kau ke sana bagai orang yang diseret ke tempat pembunuhan. Kerana kau faham tanggungjawab pemimpin itu susah. Tak mungkin terlaksana jika tidak bersungguh. Kau berubah ke arah hidup yang makin keras, dunia dan kesenangan lenyap dari mata,wara’ makin menggunung.

Tapi kau tahu Salahuddin?
Pemimpin kami sekarang bukan begitu. jawatan itu direbut-rebut. Sampai untuk satu kedudukan, antara sahabat saling mencantas. Lepas dapat jawatan hidup makin senang. Kroni dapat tanah berbidang-bidang. kalau dulu solat sekarang seakan tak sempat sebab nak pergi mesyuarat. perempuan pula lain cerita.Dulu bertudung kini berjambul. Entahlah.
Fikiran kau sentiasa mengenang jihad. Tajuk itu selalu jadi topik kegemaran kau. Seluruh tenaga dan hidup kau dicurah dengan melatih bala tentera ala Spartan dan meneroka segenap penjuru mencari mujahid dan mengumpul senjata untuk berjihad.kau wira ketika perang Hittin. Kau hero ketika Perang Salib. Memacu kuda dari satu hujung ke hujung yang satu lagi meniup semangat tentera-tenteramu. Dan kau gagah menumpaskan sekutu Fredrick Barbosa raja Jerman, Richard The Lion Raja England, Philips Augustus raja Perancis, Leopold dari Austria, Duke of Burgundy dan Count of Flanders.

Tapi kau tahu Salahuddin?
Kini jihad isu sensitive.mujahidin sinonim dengan pengganas. Pemimpin kami mungkin sumbat kami dalam penjara jika berani bicara soal jihad. Pemimpin kami jelajah pelosok Negara cari bintang-bintang berbakat. Kalau kau latih anak-anak lelaki dari kecil untuk pegang senjata, pemimpin kami didik anak pegang pembesar suara. Bintang kecil, tom tom bak, mekap cantik-cantik buat persembahan supaya semua ternganga. entahlah.

Ketika perang Arsuf kau satukan tentera dari Morsil, Iraq dengan tentera dari Mesir, Mesopotamia , Syria, Kurds , Turksman dan tanah Arab. Walau mereka berbeza kaum, tapi mereka bersatu di jalan Allah. Kau satukan dengan syura.

Tapi kau tahu Salahuddin?
Dunia islam sekarang kacau bilau. Perpecahan berlaku di mana-mana. Sesama bangsa pun sanggup bercakaran. Tapi pemimpin kami buat syura juga. Siap ada organisasi Negara Islam(OIC) lagi. Tapi nasib palestin masih begitu. kemelaratan Negara-negara Islam seolah-olah tiada penyelesaiannya.Entahlah.

Kau wafat dengan meninggalkan harta hanya sebanyak satu dinar dan 47 dirham. Hatta, untuk menanggung kos pengkebumianmu pon tidak cukup. Kain kafanmu pun turut ditanggung oleh salah seorang menterimu. Tiada villa, lot-lot tanah, syer di hotel-hotel atau syarikat gergasi. Prinsip hidupmu cukup mudah, bagimu, wang dan debu tiada beza.

Kau ingin sekali ke tanah suci tapi tak kesampaian. Bagimu, apa yang lebih wajib pada ketika itu adalah menyelesaikan keruncingan masalah ummat. Misi utamamu, yakni membebaskan Palestin tercapai pada hari Jumaat 27 rejab 583 H telah tercapai dengan izin Tuhan. Seluruh Muslim merayakan kemenangan itu. Laungan Allahuakbar memenuhi segenap angkasa, semua hidupan bertasbih memuji Sang pencipta. Selepas 90 tahun, sembahyang Jumaat telah didirikan semula di sini. Masya allah..

Kau tahu Salahudin,
Selepas kau bertemu dengan Tuhanmu pada hari rabu, 27 safar 589 H pada usia 57 tahun, kau disemadikan di Damsyik. Pada 1917, perdana Menteri Britain telah mengumumkan perang salib telah berakhir selepas berjaya merampas semula Palestin. Makammu telah diziarah oleh jeneral Perancis bernama Goro. Dengan biadap, dia sepak makammu dan berkata ‘Bangunlah wahai Salahuddin, kami telah tiba!’. Sungguh, dan kian hari agama kita semakin diperkotak-katikkan. Selepas satu-satu kejatuhan dan sehinggalah pada 1924, Mustafa Kamal Attartuk dengan rasminya mengumumkan kejatuhan khilafah. Dan bermula dari detik itu, imam kepada ummah telah tiada. entahlah.

sampai bila aku dan penonton lain akan terus-terus mengucapkan entahlah?

If we don't change society
Then we are part of the cause
on the Day of Judgment
We are going to stand
in front of Allah
There will be no excuses
For being useless

rujukan : saviors of Islamic Spirit (abul Hassan Ali NAdwai)
:1924 (soldiers of Allah)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Do you think you're hot?

Never. But is being a clown a something hot? Is being a petroleum engineering student something hot? If it is, I AM HOT.

Upload ur favourite picture of you?

Why do you like that picture?

I looked happy, no sorrows. I love that smile (enter bakul carry sendirik!). The picture was actually taken after the closing ceremony of my 8 days-course in PD. Oh lagi satu. Waktu ni zaman kejatuhan empayar jerawat di muke saye tapi sekarang ni nampaknye mereke sedang meniti zaman kegemilangan mereke kembali! Saye kehabisan idea nak pinjam bala tentera dari mane lagi untuk lawan mereke!

When was the last time you ate pizza?

November 27, 2008 di Summit Batu Pahat. Fitri belanje. For my birthday. Hehe. Hehe

The last song you listen to?

1973 by James Blunt

What are you doing right now besides this?

Terkial-kial mencari key untuk ditekan sebab lampu bilik sudah dipadam. Muke berade kire-kire 7cm dari keyboard!

What name would you prefer besides yours?

Mohamed. Hehe. Hehe

People to tag :

Let's change this to: The name of people that you can type in 30secs. Sebab ade orang yang malas nak wat tag termasuklah sume orang.

hanim fitri linda pekot ain wani ipin arai syima naila ai anie

Who is number one?

My beloved sis. When we were both home for Raya Korban holiday, every morning she would knock on my door in the morning and asked: Nor.. Camne orang kampung..
Takpon die nyanyi lagu Sudirman ni: Apa khabar orang kampung..

P/S: She was actually addicted to a game in my laptop and the game is Virtual Villagers. And for the past 6 days that I've been here in UTP for some project, she'd called my twice, asking me the same =D

Number three is having relationship with?

Last thing that I know, is something that I should not write here. Hehe

Say something about number five.

Don't disrupt her when she's driving or else she would shout : Diam diam! Aku tengah drive!

You're taking a risk when you sit next to her when she's driving (worse, when you're her type. tak tau jalan) coz she'll always shout : Mane ni? Mane ni? Kiri kanan?

How about number four?

Injured her leg once and for that, she can't play basketball the way she used to. Sometimes have doubts in every single thing that she does even for the critical one: the future her. That's what I see in her.

Who is number two?

My life partner for the last 3 years and for the coming years. A person that I'm ashamed of to be a perempuan. He can cook well, tidy well, do planting well, care of someone well. He's good in everything that I'm bad at. Even at scolding people :p Beliau juge sekarang merupekan pesakit kaki akibat kemalangan motor demi mengelak seekor kambing kira-kira 5 bulan lepas :(

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kisah Mak dan Abah

*Mintak maap awal-awal pade mereke yang mencintai Bahasa Melayu kerane dalam post ini saye menggunekan Bahase E. Oh ye. Post ini turut memuatkan kuiz matematik untuk anda. Sile bace post ini dan ingat segale nombor. Hadiah menarik menanti anda.*

Tanggal 26 Disember ini adela anniversary mak dan abah saye yang ke-tidaktahukeberapaan. Tapi takpe, mari kite main kire-kire jap. Kakak sulung saye yang bername Hanim tu da berumur kire-kire 32 tahun. Mak saye ngandungkan die, ofkosla paling kurang 9 bulan. Make Buleh la saye cakapkan yang anniversary pekahwinan mak dan abah saye ni adelah kali yang ke-32 tahun 9 bulan-dan-ke atas.

Ini adelah mak saye, Puan Zainon yang besday nye 25 Nov, 2 hari sebelum besday saye. Hihihi

Ini pule adela abah saye bersame cucu bongsunye.

Mak di zaman mude-mude dulu bekerje sebagai seorang pembantu rumah. Mak berpindah dari Rengit ke JB untuk mencari pengalaman bekerje. Waktu tu umur mak belasan tahun. Mak pernah dapat offer untuk belajar ilmu-ilmu kejururawatan waktu tu, tapi disebabkan keadaan ketiadaan uang, segalenye terbatas. Mak pon bekerjelah sebagai seorang pembantu rumah untuk famili seorang dokter. Name dokter tu Karim kalo tak silap. Lepas tu mak saye berpindah 'kompeni' pulak. Mak saye bekerje dengan tukang bisnes. Mak saye paling lame bertugas dengan kelurge tukang bisnes ni. Kami anak-anak mak menggelarkan tukang bisnes ni Uncle Talhar. Uncle Talhar ni sekarang merupekan tuan kepade ajen hartanah terkemuke, WTW. WTW itu adelah kependekan untuk C H Williams Talhar & Wong. Kalo anda teringin nak melihat muke WTW, sile klik sini.

Uncle Talhar beristerikan seorang minah salleh yang mane kami si anak-anak mak memanggilnye Aunt Beryl. Yang lucunye, dulu waktu kecik, kalo mak menyebut name Aunt Beryl je, saye terbayangkan name die di eje sebegini: Barrel. Atau kalo nak digambarkan melalui gambar, begini rupe barrel yang saye bayangkan:

Dan bukan yang ini.

Berbalik kepade kisah yang lebih serius. Mak dan abah bertemu disebabkan Uncle Talhar dan juge Aunt Beryl. Abah merupekan kawan kepade Uncle Talhar make itu pernah lah abah saye bertandang ke rumah Uncle Talhar. Dan di situlah mak dan abah saye berkenalan. Hihihi. Comel2.

Entah berape tahun lepas tu mak saye berhenti berkhidmat untuk Uncle Talhar untuk mengahwini abah. Bile saye pk balik, secare matematiknye, abah pegi perantauan waktu umur beliau 20 taon. Abah duduk perantauan selame 15 taon itu bemakne abah pulang Malaya waktu umo 35 taon. Beze umo mak dan abah saye adela 15 taon. Sekarang kakak saye yang PALING TUA berumo 32 taon 1 bulan dan 9 hari. Soalannye berbunyi..

Saturday, December 06, 2008

International Petroleum Technology Conference 2008

Instead of my birthday surprise (which I knew weeks ago, but they somehow got me at last), I'm here in KL for another function, which is called International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC for short). This is the second oil and gas conference that I attend in my 2 years studies in UTP (the previous one was organized by the Society of Petroleum Engineer UTP Student Chapter). Everyone was coming from every corner of the globe for the conference!

IPTC was held for 3 days in KLCC, starting Dec 3 to Dec 5. I didn't know bout this conference till a friend of mine advertised bout IPTC at her Gtalk status and I thanked her very much when I discovered that if I were not a student, I had to pay a sum of USD900, which is equivalent to RM 3500 to attend that conference! That is why I really love my 'job' as a student in this expensive industry. Everything was for free, and I would do anything to grab the chance; sacrificing my cuti-panjang-tapi-pendek which makes my holiday to be cuti-extra-pendek.

So what's so special bout this conference?

1) There were about 80 companies participated in the exhibition and I tell you what, here was the place where me and my friends got crazy trying to get the companies' freebies. 4GB pendrives from Saudi Aramco; stylish Vodafone cap and jersey from ExxonMobil when you try their F1 simulator and be the top 10 winner; a digital organiser and calculator from PTT Exploration and Production Public Company of Thailand; belgian chocolates from Chevron; car shades from Baker Hughes; singing magnet, landyard, puzzle cubes and blinking chain from Schlumberger.... oh.. oh.. this list will keep going if I go and check what I've collected for the past 3 days :p

2) Free technical paper work from the participating societies such as the Society of Exploration Geophysists. As a student of petroluem engineering, I need to read a lot on the current technologies used in the industry. I need to fully understand the industry by reading related magazines and paper works. Attending lectures is not sufficient to make one a good petroleum engineer. Reading teh text books is not enough to make you see the real view of the industry. You can't see the problems in your field by just reading your text books. Here is the chance for me to start thinking of final year projects!

3) Expensive foods. I'm not used to go to Dome just to have a cup of coffee, buy a cup of Haagen Dazs when I feel like eating something cold or even to order something with a long name for drinks. But for the past 3 days, I got all these for free!

4) Here I met the industry people, listening to their experience, eyeing on their elegant suits and admiring their communication skills. And from all these, I see the future me (or at least, this is how I want to be in next 10 years' time).

5) There were also technical sessions in this conference where some researchers from the field presented their research and case studies. Frankly, when we (me and friends) got into the presentation room, we could only understand a very small portion of their presentations. We absolutely understand English, but there were some terms that our memory could not recall well what the meanings are. And from this I know la now, attending such a conference makes us know what we should know.

6) iPod. Don't you worry, you didn't read it wrong. It's not Podi the Drill Bit or Dopi your ex boyfriend/girlfriend/pet. It's iPod. Yeah, iPod. True, Schlumberger was giving us 2-3 iPod Touch per day by just listening to their presentation slots and answer the quiz given, and have all the answers correct. And if you're lucky, the iPod is yours. As I was toooo kind and generous, I gave my other friends the chances to win the iPod and voila, they did. Amir got one, and Nahvin also got one. I really hope that my kindness and and generosity will pay off in the next conference by winning an iPhone! :D ( next time, I will be kind no more :p )

Interesting kan? Now I'm looking forward to attend another oil and gas conference coz I really love the industry and plus, I love money. So saya mahu berusaha sungguh-sungguh untuk menjadi seorang jurutera petroleum yang berjaya dan kaya! :D

Future petroleum engineers. Ngeee~

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Tajuk : 7 yang kadang-kadang tidak 7.

7 ciri lelaki idaman saya.

1) Doesn't smoke.
I want to have a healthy life. I don't wanna die with corrupted and toxic lungs. I don't wanna die because of cancer. How am I supposed to say I LOVE YOU to a man and give him my heart when he's blowing the toxic smoke to me? He'll kill me inside from inside maa. If that type of person is fated to be mine, then I'll smoke something heavier than just a cigarette. Asap kemenyan maybe? With killing charms so that he'll die first.
2) Serious with the relationship.
I would appreciate you if you know how to behave when I'm yours and you're mine. You don't have to hide your relationship from your family and friends. When you say you love me, it's all about honesty. If you're truly in love with me, be serious and take me as your life partner (means, marry me la. Hehe). If you feel like you just want to play around, better leave and find someone else.
3) Treat me well.
When you have me as your someone special, treat me like one. Tell me something that I don't hear from my other boy friends. Tell me something that I can only hear from you.
4) Show me some care.
When you love me, show me some care. When I'm wrong, please do advise me. If you're wrong, please, let me correct you. Don't tell me that you love me when you're letting me to do things that you hate.
5) Share the same interest.
Sharing is caring. Other than your money (haha. mau lari laki aku!), I want your dreams. I wanna be in it, and I wanna own it. Why? Coz that makes me feel I'm part of your life.
6) Trust me.
Don't you ever have a doubt in me. I hate it when I tell you something, and you asked me things like: yeke? Betul, tak tipu?
7) Use your ego well.
I know you're a man, but that doesn't mean you can't cry when you're sad. That doesn't mean you can't be in the kitchen and cook like your mom. That doesn't mean when I give you a broom, you say: What's this? This is your job and not mine. People like me only fix mechanical and complicated thing and plus, this is a female chore. Well if you choose to say that, there's something that you have to know. When I'm giving birth to your child, I'm doing the 'mechanical'est, the most 'complicated' and the hardest job that is supposed to be done by a man which God had granted a great physical strength like you.

7 wanita/lelaki yang pernah saya minati sepanjang hidup

Saya merupakan seorang manusia yang nakal dan sangat nakall tetapi suka menanam minat terhadap insan-insan yang sangat suci. Hahaha

1) This happened when I was in Std 1. That boy was soo baik. Boleh dikatekan kami berkapel la. But somehow he's the shy2 type. *cume aku je yang tak :D sampai mak die kenal aku lagi. siap boleh cakap-cakap ngan mak die dalam tepon lagi. haha!* Once, I gave him a Mickey birthday card (which was chosen by Kak Nim). He kept it for weeks, then suddenly he returned it to me and said: Beg kite berat sangat. Kad ni tambah berat beg kite. *hello, kad tu tak sampai 50gram pon! takut kantoi ngan mak la tu!*

2) A bad memory, better keep it untold.

3) Bile masuk SMAPL, I admired someone untuk mengisi masa lapang. Some of you guys might know who the person is, but if you don't, I'd better keep it untold :p

4) Ade lagi sorang budak SMAPL. Haha. Sure jejaka-jejaka yang pernah skola kat SMAPL mule perasan diri mereka tu Cinderella kalo bace post aku ni. Mane tak nye, ade kebarangkalian nama mereka merupakan jawapan bagi soalan nombor 3 ngan 4 ni! Walaupun aku bukanlah seorang anak raja, but there is 'something' when you know that there's someone admiring you. Betul tak? So, better keep it untold. Biar sume jejaka SMAPL perasan. Tapi ingat, kamu hanya boleh perasan kalau kamu tergolong dalam golongan baik-baik dan nerd sahaja :p

5) Saya mule merasa tak larat nak jawab soalan ni.Nak tau jugak, tanya boypren saya.

7 perasaan sekiranya keluar dengan seseorang yang saya minati. (Soalan ini dijawab merujuk kepada orang-orang dalam soalan kat atas)

1) Keinginan untuk beraksi seperti seekor badut menjadi-jadi.

2) Tertanya-tanya: Ada hadiah untuk saya tak?

3) Perasaan tak tahu nak cakap apa. Bimbang kalau-kalau soalan yang kita ajukan boleh membuatkan kite hilang minat sama mereka bila dengar jawapan mereka. Contoh: Malam ni ape plan ko? Jawapan: Nak tengok bola.

4) Bimbang. Bimbang kalau-kalau makin kite kenal mereka, makin kite jumpe perkara-perkara yang buat kita rasa tak serasi sama mereka. Contoh: Bila kita bertanya tentang kegemaran mereka, mereka terlebih cerita. Lagi-lagi kalau pasal bola.. Memang pejam mata la aku dibuatnya..

5) Akan adakah pertemuan kali kedua? Hihihi

6) Tiada jawapan lain.

7 tempat istimewa yang ingin dilawati bersama yang tersayang.

1) Sume kedai kerete Volkswagen kat Malaysia.

2) Sume kedai roti canai kat JB ngan Batu Pahat.

3) Petrosains (impian terbesar buat masa sekarang)

4) Aku nak laki aku bawak aku gi Mesir. Aku nak kenal tamadun Islam lebih dekat. Sama-sama mendalami sejarah agama sendiri. Aku suka gaya hidup orang Arab.

5) Eiffel Tower. Kalau laki aku bawak aku gi sini, aku sanggup panjat tiang menara tu untuk menunjukkan sekalung perhargaan aku untuk beliau. Huhu

6) Satu tempat yang berkisar dengan kariernya. And kat tempat tu, aku nak bitau die yang aku nak jadi tulang belakang die sebagai seorang pengusaha pertanian :)

7) Tiada jawapan lain.

7 barangan/sesuatu istimewa yang mungkin akan anda hadiahkan buat yang tersayang.

Satu je, sesuatu yang berguna untuk hidup sebelum mati n selepas mati.

7 lagu yang akan anda nyanyikan untuk yang tersayang.

Satu je, I Wanna Grow Old With You - Westlife.

7 rakan yang saya tag dan mahu mereka buat PERIHAL 7 ini.

1) Pekot

2) Ain Roslan

3) Suzairin

4) Aku da ngantuk, tak leh pk sesape lagi.

19th Birthday

Happy birthday to me!

dan ziera

Surprise yg da kantoi, tapi akhirnye saye terkene juge!

Saye tak nak cite ape jadi.

Bace secare ringkas di sini.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Second Exam of a Future Petroleum Engineer

Hey people.

I'm sitting for my final examinations now.

Nov 10:
Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties

Nov 11:
Health, Safety and Environment

Nov 14:
Mechanical Engineering Thermodynamics I

Nov 15:
Introduction to Petroleum Geoscience

Nov 17:
Structured Programming and Database

Nov 27:
My birthday. Muehe. Muehe.

I opened the E-Learning today, and noted a short notice from my geoscience lecturer, AP Askury.

My Dear Students

Examination is around the corner and you have to take care of your health. Don't stay overnite to ensure not getting flu or what so ever. Please take healthy food and try to eliminate instant noodle ... Maggi la ... because it will corrupt your 'harddisk' slowlysad.

Now, you can have a look the coursework result at DGPE notice board at block 16 that comprised 50% of your total mark. I also put the Second Test's solution on the same board.

Please feel free to come at any time. Good luck and try your best in finale ....


AP Askury

He's the type that will make you laugh a lot during the class. He's very punctual but not that very strict. All I can say is, I really enjoyed in his class with his funny jokes (he always tell us jokes whenever we are sleepy. And his jokes always work :D) I really hope that I can meet him for the next coming semesters; still a long way to go.

P/S: Jadual exam kami memang selalu padat camni~ Saat-saat orang lain belum amek second paper, kos kami mampu je da abes sume paper~

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm A Big Sister

This is me and my little sis 9 years back. She's a cute creature born when I was 7. And because of her, my title as 'adik' gone forever. But luckily, we never called her 'adik' then. We called her Debot when she was still a baby and Dibah or Ibah when she started losing her 'debotness'. We couldn't really get along because of our age difference and plus, I left home for boarding school when she was 6. But we're just the same. We both like cute and girly stuffs, enjoyed drawing and coloring very much. She'll always admire my stuffs and so do I. And...

...we both look alike! =D

And today she made the whole family proud; she scored 5A's in her UPSR! =) Alhamdulillah. She really made us happy. You can't imagine how worried we all were since the day she told mak that she felt like she'd done a careless mistake in her Maths! Everyone knows how careless she is but today, we are all relieved for this great news! :)

Love you dear!

Monday, November 10, 2008

All About Plurk

Right now me and my other girlfriends are addicted to Plurk. Ianye tak banyak beza pon dengan Friendster. But here are the interesting part of Plurk:

  • Here you won't be able to find a profile with hundred plus photos of your friend. You won't find any album containing photos of the SAME FACE (I repeat, the SAME FACE) but taken from DIFFERENT ANGLES. Cause you can only upload ONE picture in Plurk. I'm very glad of this!
  • It is a VERY SIMPLE social network but it provides you the BEST information of the profile owner because this network provides a column for the owner to emote himself.
  • If you are a real stalker, Plurk helps you a lot. For every emote (which we call plurk), people can simply view it and give a comment on it. This not only applies to emote, but gossip-gossip also lah.
  • You will get a private message through Gtalk as soon as you have a new response.
  • Your profile itself will give you a buzz when you receive a new response.
  • You will rewarded points called 'Karma' when you gain friends, when you give responses to others' plurk, when people accept you as friends et cetera.
  • You can only change your layout when you gain a a certain level of Karma. But you don't have to worry much la; I changed to a new layout within 12 hours after signed up with 14 points of Karma.
  • If in Friendster you have to scroll up and down to view the profile, but in Plurk, you need to scroll right and left! Very unique!

Here's how it looks like:

This part is for the details. Really short kan? And just a SMALL pic for each friend, sgt menjimatkan ruang! The white space is the column for you to plurk.

The one with the stripes is what we call timeline in Plurk. For each plurk you make, it will be displayed above your dashboard. And it also contain your friends' plurks and they are all in sequence!

When you click a plurk, a new SMALL (again, SMALL) window appears, displaying the responses and also a column for you to give your response. So tak payahlah kamu nak penat-penat view comment orang one by one macam ape yang kamu salu buat kat Friendster tu! Worse, sampai pegi page orang lain semate-mate nak tengok ape yang orang tu jawab~ Penat~

So everybody, let's Plurk and Plurk! ;)

To view my Plurk, please click HERE.

And happy plurking! :)

Friday, November 07, 2008

What It's Like to Be in Other's Shoe?

"...Hi it's me again The Clown of Yours. Firstly I don't understand why are your shoes too big. It's like my fist can also fit in the shoe, along with my kaki. And still got space here and there. Second, I don't understand why there must be a very unwanted smell intrudes the creepy holes of my nose as I take them off..."

Last week I received an email from the Robocon publication department with 3 attachments; a compilation of the Roboblitz draft (Roboblitz is our official bulletin) and I nearly cried seeing the pictures in the bulletin~

These two pictures are actually the consequences of THIS.

It breaks my heart seeing all those two pics cause I wanted to be in those pics as well. I want to have a pic where you can find my face and Tun's in the same pic; though I know that the pic will be a little bit weird cause you will find a girl smiling with the tips of her lips meet together-gether (and the girl would be me). Hm.. Can you feel what I feel?

I was tooooo desperate to have a picture with Tun. So I decided to take a picture of me and him when he last visited UTP to give a public lecture. So here it is!



Can you see?

Me and Tun?

Well if you can't, you have to know this:

1) Your are half-blinded.
2) Your brain is not that efficient to interpret something subjective, creative and artistic.
3) You can't fit my shoes very the well.

And I feel sorry for your DISABILITY.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Badut, Teater dan Sampah

Hai. Di sini, Badut sedang menulis dari bilik V5J.2.1.1 yang SANGAT panas; sangat yang sangat-sangat ditekankan. Malam ini Badut baru pulang dari menonton teater anjuran Tronoh Theater Shop UTP di MPH. Badut kagum dengan persembahan mereka. Lakonan mereka menjadi. Sentuhan seni mereka berkesan di hati Badut. Badut bukanlah seorang penulis cereka atau fantasi tapi Badut tahu teater tadi MENJADI. Maaf, Badut tak reti camne nak sampaikan ape yang tersirat kat hati Badut tentang teater tadi.

Mereka berjaya menyampaikan teater bertajuk Kerusi tu dengan jayanya. Ya. Kerusi. Drama yang kita sama-sama belajar waktu tingkatan 5 dulu. Ingat tak? Badut tak ingat sangat camne kisah Kerusi tu. Tapi ape yang Badut tau, Badut TAK PERNAH baca kisah drama itu dengan jayanya. Badut tak faham. Bahasa drama tu terlalu klasik terlalu berseni yang buat Badut yang berbangsa melayu ni tak pernah paham. Kalau kakak Badut yang cikgu BM tu bace post Badut ni, konpem beliau mengucap panjang. Tapi beruntung pelajar-pelajar tingakatan 5 yang dijemput hadir sama untuk teater tadi tu. Sekurang-kurangnya lakonan tadi tu akan melekat kat otak mereka untuk jawab soalan SPM nanti.

Kerusi merungkaikan masalah dunia sekarang. Pada pandangan Badut, masalah tu lebih kepada dunia politik. Tentang rakyat bawahan yang ditindas. Tentang golongan atasan yang bertindak umpama sebiji buah durian, duduk atas sebiji timun. Boleh kalian bayangkan camne? Timun yang lemah tak mampu melawan. Durian yang berkulit keras dan tajam terus memijak badan timun. Malaysia sekarang macam tu tak? Ada komen?

Tapi sekarang Badut nak kaitkan kisah Kerusi ni dengan sampah.

Badut nak ambil kisah durian dan timun tadi. Manusia sekarang umpama durian tadi, yang mana timun tu adalah reflection diri mereka sendiri. Manusia yang memiliki kuasa untuk mengubah segala keburukan yang berlaku di dunia; dan keburukan itu adalah pelambakan sampah. Kalian tahu tak, kat Malaysia ni kita hasilkan lebih 15 ribu tan sampah sehari. Kita hidup 365 hari setahun. Dah berapa banyak tu? Dan statistik ni bertambah dengan bertambahan penduduk. Badut pernah terbaca yang sampah yang kita hasilkan dalam masa sebulan, boleh memenuhi EMPAT buah KL Tower! Aduyai. Banyak tu! Hal ni merisaukan Badut.

Apa yang buat Badut terasa nak menulis tentang sampah ni? Berikut merupakan sebabnya:
  • BADUT RIMAS. Rumah Badut kat sini didiami 12 orang yang lain. Setiap hari, tong sampah kat luar tu MESTI penuh. Ada kisah lain yang diceritakan, tapi Badut malas nak bercerita tentang kemalasan insan-insan tertentu kat rumah ni. Berbalik kepada kisah kita. Kalo Badut skodeng dalam tong sampah tu, isinya mesti sama. Bekas polisterin, cawan plastik, kertas-kertas, plastik makanan dan lain-lain lagi.
  • Kadang-kadang Badut rasa nak nak gali je tong sampah tu cari botol mineral dan tin-tin minuman kosong. Badut nak kumpul. Badut boleh buat duit dengan bekas-bekas tu.

Badut tak tipu. Badut tak kisah kalo gali tong sampah tu. Badut terasa kalo Badut buang tin-tin minuman tu, Badut macam buang syiling dlm tong sampah. Akak-akak cleaner tu jugak yang bijak. Diorang tak kisah gali tong sampah tu cari tin-tin kosong. Diorang yang dapat untung. Kalo la duit-duit tu masuk dalam akaun V5 Student Representative kan best. Tiap sem kite boleh buat BBQ. Free. Makan gune duit hasil kitar semula. Bestnye kalo Badut boleh buat penduduk V5 ni idop dengan mengamalkan amalan recycle merecycle.

Sikap Manusia Si Durian yang tidak berubah sebenarnya memakan diri mereka sendiri. Dan akhirnya jadilah mereka macam Si Timun tu. Kalian nak jadi macam Si Timun tu?? Badut sedar akan situasi ini, maka Badut sedang mendidik diri Badut untuk mencintai alam. Antara langkah awal yang Badut ambil:
  • Kalo setakat beli barang sikit kat kedai tu, tok sah la mintak plastik. Masuk dalam beg je. Takpon ade tangan, pegang je la sampai rumah.
  • Nak keluar dari bilik, jangan lupe tutup lampu dan kipas. Membazir letrik. Jangan lupe switch off laptop jugak. Segala haba yang dihasilkan oleh barang-barang letrik ni takkan musnah walopon laptop anda sejuk. Haba merupakan sejenis tenaga; takkan pernah musnah. Haba dari barang-barang letrik yang kita anggap sikit inilah yang sebenarnya menyumbang kepada pemanasan global tahu taaak.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

V5 Raya Fiesta: Raya Dinner

So here's the story of our Raya Dinner. It was held at Undercroft in Chancellor Complex. Our committee had worked very hard for this dinner. Preparing paperwork, seeking for sponsors, doing roadshows etc just for this very night. And what I can say is: our work did pay. We had fun last night and the most important is: the event ran smoothly just as what we had planned.

I was in purple that night and as I entered the hall, I was quite shocked when I saw there were so many people attending the dinner were in purple too! When Zai offered me to wear her purple baju, I thought that would be the best as purple is rarely to be seen. But that was OK somehow, as we were called Lucky Purple as there were many 'purple's that won the lucky draws ;)

Here's how the night went yesterday:

Registering for the night.

The committees were waiting for the VIPs. It was an awkward feeling when you used to sit in a meeting with the committees around you wearing lousy shirt and jeans but suddenly you see them in baju melayu. Did they feel the same way too?

Dr Naufal giving a speech while my stomach was singing Hungry song.

Dr Naufal officiating the night with the help of one of the robots from Robocon. A funny incident happened when the robot went off before Dr Naufal had the chance to take the lemang carried by the robot. Dr Naufal got panicked then, and so did the others on the stage :D

Then we had 3 performances by the invited kids from a nearby orphanage, Oliver of UTP and a band, also from UTP. I didn't know why, but I was so touched seeing the faces of the kids. I wondered how do they live without their beloved ones. I nearly cried, thanking to Allah as I still have my Mak and Abah. The top 2 person in my life. Thank you Allah :)

Hm. We also had some awards for the best dressed male and female, and a special award of Romeo & Juliet. We intended the Romeo & Juliet Award to be given to the couple that wears of course la the same tone colour of baju, the most romantic and bla bla bla. But we the committee finally agreed on this male-male couple from Chad that wore their white traditional suit. They were just like a twin; the only difference was that their faces weren't really alike. But the thing is, I felt pity to them as they got a couple of TEDDY-TIGERs for the award (and I'm not really sure whether to laugh or be sad for this feeling. Haha) As the dinner ended I took a chance to take some pictures with them ;)

They looked cute holding the TEDDY-TIGER in their hands :p

Mr Irwanshah, one of the male fellows in V5. He looked so cute with that TEDDY-TIGER :p (You won't believe me when I say that the childish face at the center of this pic is owned by an executive of the UTP Resource Center)

Ngehehe. Mr Irwanshah and Dr Naufal (both are V5 fellows)

HPE stands for Happy Petroleum Engineers! :)

The night walked, and the girls got crazy-crazy lala =)

P/S : The Secretary wants to thank everyone in the committee for struggling hard to make this event possible :)

V5 Raya Fiesta: Family Day

V5 Raya Fiesta, which is organised by V5 Student Representative, runs for a week, starting 12-18 October 2008. We had roadshow during the weekdays. It was a tiring week; though you only have to sit and stare at the people walking in front of you, waiting them to sign up in the activities that you organize. We also did door-to-door promotion in V5, promoting them the V5 Family Day and V5 Raya Dinner. The feedback was quite positive and I'm very sure bout this: they are proud of having an active student representative organization in their residential college :)

Saturday, Oct 18
We had Family Day during the day and Raya Dinner at night. The Family Day was all about having fun in our traditional games- Galah Panjang, Main Guli, Boling Kelapa Tua and Anyam Ketupat. We even had a Mini Futsal, which was a 3 on 3 game. There were 3 teams registered for Galah Panjang but unluckily 2 of the teams had a test on that day so they couldn't play la. 1 team left, and some of the committees had to be their opponent (and I was one of them). I really had fun playing with them. It's like reminiscing all of my old memories with my 2 chubby neighbours 2 naughty neighbours and lots more.

Then we had Boling Kelapa Tua:

Mineral bottles filled with water were used as the bowling pins.

Then we had Main Guli:

Guli Susu (shall I call it Milk Marble?) was used.

Then, Anyam Ketupat:

People, please believe me when I say that most of our Anyam Ketupat contestants are guys ;)

And here, I have some behind-the-scene pictures ;)

Dr Naufal, the most sporting advisor on earth (in green) showing the skills on how to be a Jaguh Gasing to a foreign student from Turkmenistan.

And I can't deny the fact that he's really the Jaguh ;)

Seems satisfied huh doc? Well you should meet my moyangs then. See if they'll call you Jaguh or not :p

And we end our day by prize giving. The participants were very happy with their BIG hamper, and I envied them :(

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mathronicamp: I'm Teacher-blooded

How does it feel being a teacher? Well for me, as most of family are teachers, this is not something new. And on last Saturday, I got the chance to be one :) It was the Mathronicamp, a one day course organized by UTP Electrical and Electronic Engineering Student Society (E3SS), in collaboration with UTP Robocon Team. It's Najib who offered me the chance, as he was the one who initially in charge to be one of the representatives from Robocon Team but luckily, he got something to do on the same day, so he passed me the offer :) In this Mathronicamp we had to teach the Standard 5 students from SK Raban, a total of 70 plus students. Maths and teacher, is a great combination to make feel eager to join!

My day on that Saturday started at 630am (this is really rare to me.ngehe), rushing to reach Jehan's at V4 before 700am. I texted her as I start walking to V4 and she replied that she was not ready yet. When I reached her room, she was done with baju but not tudung and she honestly told me that: Aku bangun bile ko msg aku. Kalo ko tak msg, habis.

Ahaha. But never mind la. Jehan kencang. Ehe. We then got into the car, ready to gather with others at the V4 parking area. We waited for the other 2 boys from Robocon, and only then Jehan remembered that she forgot to bring along our Robocon corporate shirt. Lalala~ As she had to wait for the other boys, I volunteered myself to walk and get the shirts. Huhu. Done with the shirt-matter, we hurried to RoboLab as we had to take the batteries for the robot and some other thing. I did bring the lab key with me, but UNLUCKILY somebody had changed the padlock, and I only have one key with me! Pity to us, and pity to those that we had to wake them up, just to get the key. We had to wake up 3 guys on that weekend, and this is enough to make me feel guilty. But what can I say kan. That was the only way that we could do. Huhu. It's quite a long story for this key-matter so I'd like to stop it here.

It took us more than two hours to reach SK Raban, which is in Kuala Kangsar. We arrived the school somewhere around 1030am. Jehan and his boyfriend Shah were assigned to Group 9, while Nazrin and me were assigned to Group 10. Nazrin and me brought our 4 'kids' to another classroom. Then we got know each other, and then started working on their exercises together. The kids were quite shy-shy cat at the first time and it took me nearly an hour just to make them feel easy with me. I acted as usual, like a clown. Making stupid jokes and it gave me a relief when the laughed seikhlas hati. Ahaha. I really enjoyed teaching them. It was a great feeling being in front of them, writing on the whiteboard, trying to make them understand. I taught them just like my father did when he taught me during my childhood. Translating the sentences word by word just to make sure that I understand the question. I applied it and it worked well to them. It's not that hard to teach them; they can read english well but the only problem was that they couldn't translate the words well.

I had a problem teaching them the topic on Time. One of the kids could not even remember the month. This IS a serious problem. I even had problem making them understand using fist:

I tried hard to make them remember of how many days are there in a month. I told them this: "Kalo kite stop kat Tinggi, bulan tu ade 31 hari. Kalo Rendah, ade 30 hari" and then we did some exercises on Time. Then the big problem came: when we counted the month, one of the kids will always get different days from the others. When we got it 31 days, he would get 30 and vice versa. The kid then said to me: "Akak, betul la saye kire. 30." I then asked him to count it back. Only then I realized that he had a serious problem. A REALLY serious problem. His first two Tinggi and Rendah are obviously flat! No wonder he got different answer from others! I then made joke to the other kids, I said that they have to keep their body slim so they won't face the problem as what their friend had. (Note: the kid is a sihat type. Hehe. Chubby orang kate). And they all burst into laugh. Haha. Really funny.

In the classroom.

Then we had a break at 1230pm. After we were done with our lunch, the four of us from Robocon had to do the toughest task in this Mathronicamp, which was to take the robot out from the car. Believe me when I say that it took us more that half an hour just to bring out the robot! Doing the 'task' under the baking sun, I felt like my body was really baked. In an hour time I might turn into muffins. Cupcakes. Chocolate moist. Yummy. Erm you just see la the pictures that I curi-curi snap:

Nazrin and Shah. In the car: Jehan. Fuuh

The kids started to surround us as they found out that we were working with the robot. But people, you know what. We told them this: "Adik-adik, kalo robot ni tak boleh keluar, adik-adik tengok je lah robot ni dalam kete ni yek!" That was actually the bunyi of giving up. Hu

Jehan muke penat. She even blamed my group for making such a huge robot. Believe me Jehan, I never thought that my robot will ever ride a car, sitting beside both the driver and the back passenger seat! And people, do you get what I mean? The robot is LYING DOWN from front to the back seat!!!

And we have a secret to unveil here: we scratched so many parts of the car during this 'process'. But luckily it is Dr Naufal's car and he's the type that mind a little, but will just forget it minutes later. Hu. Lucky us. We then got back to class and started the teaching session. The session went normally, and we tried to finish all of the given modules in time so I selected certain questions for them to solve.

We stopped at 3, and the next slot is the Robot Demo. Oh. My time my session. We changed baju, and ready for the robot demo. The kids seemed so excited seeing the robot in front of them. I explained to the kids, teachers and also the facis bout the robot. How we fabricated it, what's this and what's that. And I was quite nervous demonstrating them the shooting mechanism of the robot. I said this to myself: "Ni kalo tak jatuh tin-tin tu, wat malu aku je. Robot punyela gempak, sekali rupenye demonstrator die gile looser." I then tried my best to give a best shot and voila, I made it! Hehe. I felt relieved when they gave me big applause. The kids seemed so proud of the robot's ability to shoot. We then give them some questions to answer and if they got it right, they would get the chance to try our robot. We even gave some snacks to them (sponsored by me. It wasn't much, but I know that it was a great feeling for the kids getting something when others don't. Ehe)

Nazrin conducting the game session.

The real view.

Then we had closing ceremony, and tangkap-tangkap gambar time!! Hehe

2 groups in 1, with the facis :)

I had so much fun with y'all guys! We are a great combination! :) And to Shah, you're too old to show your long-time-ago baby face.

And this is my very the very happening group! :D


Going back to UTP..

Plaza tol Jelapang. The new one. You know the issue don't you?

Really new.

And finally, home! (with tonnes of work waiting. Sigh)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Raya: The Journey and the Day

I went back home a little bit late, which was on Sunday. I never thought of riding a train before, but for this holiday, I felt like trying it once. Voila. Here's my ticket.

I bought it online, with the help from my part-time mom, Kak Nim.

Departed at 0500, arrived at 1404 means the ticket didn't lie to me. Ehe. A tiring journey, forgotten when I kissed Mak and Abah. As I reached home, Kak Na, Abg Wadi and Kak Nim were already there, of course with Alif Tisya and Baby Arif. Abg Fir arrived bout two days late, as he had to take care of her sick mom. Now. Raya story. People, now I'm presenting the pics, hope you understand why =D

Handsome young guys in our family, ready for Raya prayer. As Abah is too far handsome, he can't be in this picture :D

Now let's see the hottest guy in this family for this Raya. It's Baby Arif!!! See, everybody wants to take picture with him!

Aunty Ida and Baby

Mama Nim and Baby

Mama and Baby

Papa Fir and Baby

Tok Bah and Baby

Ehehe. So cute that boy. Baik pulak tu. Just like his aunt. Ehehe. O people. Then on Sunday we had Kak Ida's engagement. She was so HAPPY, and I was HAPPY to see her HAPPY :) Then balik UTP on Salasa. I wished that I were still home~